Programming biology for

Λ DNΛ design company accelerating the transition to a sustainable future. We make biology predictable by combining AI with omics data.


We passionately pursue sustainable development, driven by a deep sense of responsibility to protect our planet for future generations, as we unlock the transformative power of biology to create lasting change.

ΛI-powered platform

Λ platform that understands the biology of microorganisms and designs DNΛ sequences for biomanufacturing.

We communicate with cells using DNΛ, but DNΛ is difficult to design and engineer with today's tools due to unpredictability.

Our predictive platform enables us to view cells rationally rather than merely as black boxes.

ΛI-first approach
to design DNA sequences

Think of ChatGPT generating DNΛ sequences

Multiple hosts as cell factories

We are not restricted to model cells and use more than ten different bacterial cell factories, with our platform readily adaptable to new ones.

Promoters and 5′ UTRs

We design both promoter and 5′ UTR DNA sequences in context with coding sequence and host.

Pathway engineering

We design regulatory sequences with predictability to accomplish balanced expression of multiple genes to express gene clusters.

Codon optimisation

We improve expression through context-aware codon optimisation for a particular regulatory sequence and host.

Protein engineering

We enhance proteins by engineering thermostability, activity, specificity, and solubility, among others.


We are also extending our platform to include higher eukaryotes.
Keep an eye out!

Meet our founders

Syngens operates at the intersection of SynBio and AI, as the founder's background demonstrates.

Rahmi leads an interdisciplinary research group that works in the fields of biophysics, computational and synthetic biology.
Rahmi Lale
Co-founder & CEO
Gurvinder works with generative AI and has created world-class machine learning products that serve millions of users.
Gurvinder Dahiya
Co-founder & CTO